APAM is a non-profit organization, a sanctuary where dogs and cats find shelter, no matter if they are old, blind, epileptic or have other problems that don’t give them any adoption chances. Within the space limit, we try to save also the puppies and kittens abandoned without mercy by their owners!


We develop continuously spay/neuter campaigns for dogs and cats that have an owner, so that they will not be abandoned, because we know that this is the only solution for those animals who end up on the streets. Our campaigns involve prevention, education of the owners and health issues that can be easily avoided with a little knowledge. We truly hope that one day we will not see abandoned sad animals on the streets anymore!
animals sanctuary

Also, continuously, we develop adoption campaigns for dogs and cats, in the attempt to find wonderful families for the animals saved by us, along with your help!

We often get involved in children education,with the help of the saved animals, because we think that they are the future for a Planet where every living being can be safe. For us, adults, is a little too late to be educated, but for them, is just the beginning of a great way of living their life, carying about animals, saving them and educate others to do the same!

APAM acts like a true family and every job here is done voluntary, because we want a better world for us and our children and a good life for the poor animals that can’t defend theirselves from the harm done by people without souls. We also have our personal jobs, yet, we think thatno effort is big enough to repair a situation that is out of control!

Save dogs, save cats, save animals! Make world a better place! help animals sanctuary


A​PAM`s accounts:

Organization Name:  Asociatia de Protectie a Animalelor Minis
RAIFFEISEN BANK – Agentia Lipova jud. Arad, Romania

ACCOUNT in EURO: 891 0450 – IBAN: RO04 RZBR 0000 0600 0891 0450

ACCOUNT in RON: RO59 RZBR 0000 0600 0878 4912

Paypall:   office@apam.ro

Revolut :  @apam

Patreon :Patreon



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